*Remember the last Saturday of every month 3 hour worship 15h00-18h00 at Overcomers
YOUTH CAMP - Fri 3rd, 18h00 - Sat 4th, 08h00 - 19h00
REGISTRATION, WORSHIP & SUPPER at Godlife church (83 Loop Str) from 17h00 on the Friday. Kids dropped at Overcomers after service.
Please book with Anri for catering purposes on 083 952 8081
WOMEN’S CAMP - Fri 10th, 18h00 - Sat 11th, 08h00 - 13h00
Please book with Anri for catering purposes on 083 952 8081
MEN’S CAMP - Fri 17th, 18h00 - Sat 18th, 08h00 - 13h00
Please book with Freek for catering purposes on 079 560 7088
LEADERS CAMP - Fri 24th, 18h00 - Sat 25th, 08h00 - 14h00
REGISTRATION, WORSHIP & SUPPER at Godlife church, 83 Loop Str, from 17h00 on the Friday. Kids dropped at Overcomers after service.
Please book with Anri for catering purposes on 083 952 8081
40 DAY FAST - Mon 23 July - Fri 31st August - 19h00 - 20h00 daily.
Fast of raw fruit, veggies, water and flatbread (or a fast of your choice.)
YOUTH CAMP - Fri 31st, 18h00 - Sat 1st, 08h00 - 19h00
REGISTRATION, WORSHIP & SUPPER at Godlife church (83 Loop Str) from 17h00 on the Friday. Kids dropped at Overcomers after service.
Please book with Anri for catering purposes on 083 952 8081
WOMEN’S CAMP - Fri 7th, 18h00 - Sat 8th, 08h00 - 13h00
Please book with Anri for catering purposes on 083 952 8081
MEN’S CAMP - Fri 14th, 18h00 - Sat 15th, 08h00 - 13h00
Please book with Freek for catering purposes on 079 560 7088
LEADERS CAMP - Fri 28th, 18h00 - Sat 29th, 08h00 - 14h00
REGISTRATION, WORSHIP & SUPPER at Godlife church (83 Loop Str) from 17h00 on the Friday. Kids dropped at Overcomers after service. Transport will be arranged.
REGISTRATION, WORSHIP & SUPPER at Godlife church (83 Loop Str) from 17h00 on the Friday. Kids dropped at Overcomers after service. Transport will be arranged.
Please book with Anri for catering purposes on 083 952 8081.
21 Days good and faithful servant seminar - Sat 1st - Fri 21st September
There will be a 21 day Seminar to break the spirit of the wicked and lazy servant which prevents people receiving their promotion at Overcomers.
ROSH HASHANA - Sun 9th - Tues 11th Sep
YOM KIPPUR - Tues 18th, Sundown - Wed 19th Sundown - Water fast with feast and water baptism every night in the river from 18h00 - 19h00 at Overcomers Prayer Tabernacle
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